We have opportunities in 2025 for volunteers to learn new skills and visit amazing places.
New and ongoing fieldwork includes:
- Plant surveys and measurement of fire-related traits as part of large-scale biodiversity monitoring.
- Mammal surveys in fire-prone heathlands, forests and woodlands across southeastern Australia.
Get in touch with Luke Kelly directly for specific details and dates.
There are a range of options for students to start doing research with us at the University of Melbourne including: a Bachelor of Science (Degree with Honours) (a one-year program for students who have achieved academic excellence and wish to build upon their undergraduate degree), a Master of Ecosystem Management and Conservation (a two-year program of coursework that can include a research project), a Master of Philosophy (Science) (a two-year program working on a research project), and a Doctor of Philosophy (Science) (a four-year PhD program). A range of scholarships are available from the University, and we regularly host interns from international institutions.
Undergraduate students at the University of Melbourne have the opportunity to enrol in one of the subjects that Luke Kelly coordinates – including Fire in the Australian Landscape (FRST20015) – and Masters students can enroll in Assessing Ecosystems and Their Values (ENST90044).
Early Career Researchers
A range of grants are available for early career researchers at University of Melbourne including McKenzie Postdoctoral Research Fellowships. The School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences is also keen to support applications for Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA).
Visitors are always welcome. We’re based in Biosciences 1 (Building 123) at Parkville, University of Melbourne. We run a weekly lab meeting and encourage visitors to attend. For longer visits, we can point you to some schemes for visiting fellowships. Please contact Luke Kelly directly if you’re interested in visiting us.